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Damascus Road Missionary Baptist Church Damascus Road Missionary Baptist Church

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Welcome to " Our Pastor's Desk"!

Praise God From Whom All blessing's Flow!

The Autumn, or what we like to call the fall season, officially begins.  We tend to look at spring as a new beginning, a rebirth,so we can look at the fall as the ending of something,a sort of death.  Summer, no matter how enjoyable, is often full of uncomfortable heat filled days, the consistent worry about hurricanes and the unnerving concern about extremely high electric bills. So, as this change begins to take place in nature, we can also use this time to make some changes in our lives, to turn over a new leaf, to walk into our new season.  Each day we wake up, with breath in our bodies,we should take the opportunity to thank God and do as David did in the 51st Psalms, when he asked God;

To create in him a clean heart and renew a right spirit within him. The Lord planted a seed in our hearts and minds Christ has given us a plan, and a purpose to accomplish His will. Therefore, God will bless our efforts and efficiency, as long as we continue to love Him wholeheartedly, obey Him faithfully, and witness for Him unconditionally. I acknowledge His divine influence in all that we do and the active power of the Holy Spirit in every step we take. The hope of God is what drives us to him and the faith we possess leads us to where he wants us to be in our daily lives.  

 I encourage each and every one of you to live it daily as we move higher in God's will. As the leader of this great congregation, I am acutely aware of the greatest leader in history, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  The Lord plants a seed in our hearts and minds; it did not come into existence overnight.  Christ has given us a plan, and a purpose to accomplish His will. LET US ALL BEGIN ANEW!!!!!!!! 

Because of Calvary,

Rev. Dr. Earl F. Jackson